Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Urges Members to Be Aware of Scams

May 28, 2024

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana’s Financial Investigations Department has become aware of two scams targeting health plan customers. Blue Cross reminds Louisianians to be aware of the potential for fraud and scams and stay on the lookout for suspicious activity. 

Spoofed Phone Numbers Scam

Several Blue Cross members have reported a scam involving phone numbers spoofing the insurer’s member customer service lines. 

How it works: Scammers set up a number one digit off from the real Blue Cross member customer service lines. When members dial the number thinking they are reaching Blue Cross, they get a message about a special offer they need to “ACT NOW!” to take advantage of, like buying $100 gift cards at a discount, or signing up for programs and services at a reduced price. The members are asked to enter their credit or debit card information to pay for the offer while waiting to speak with a customer service representative. This gives the scammers access to their financial information, and they can charge the card for gift cards or services the members never actually get. 

Fraudulent Billing for Medical Supplies 

Another recent scam involves fraudulent billing for urinary catheter supplies or continuous glucose monitors. 

How it works: Scammers steal a member’s health plan information by tricking them into sharing it or some other deceptive method. They use the health plan information to order these supplies and bill them to the member’s insurance company. Neither the member nor their healthcare provider have ordered these supplies, and in most cases, the member never gets them. When members use their health plan benefits to order medical equipment for a real need, the scam order has already been applied to their deductible, maximum out-of-pocket costs and coverage limits. 

How to Protect Yourself From Scams: 

Be suspicious whenever ANYONE asks you for money or for your personal, financial or health information. Be especially suspicious if it's unexpected. It's OK to ignore calls, emails, text messages, visits or other unwanted outreach, particularly if someone is making you uncomfortable or pressuring you to act quickly.

Blue Cross will not make you special offers that you need to pay extra for when you call us. Your covered benefits and any programs, services or plan extras you get as a member will be clearly outlined in your health plan coverage information.  

Don’t be pressured to act quickly. Offers for a very limited time that you have to pay for now or lose – like the ones used in the spoofed phone numbers scam – are a red flag. Take time to look into the offer and make sure it’s real. Don’t let yourself feel rushed. Scammers try to trick you into paying before you can think it through. 

Dial carefully when trying to reach Blue Cross to make sure the number is correct. If in doubt, or if something feels off, hang up and dial again. If you have an agent you’ve worked with for your health plan, you can reach out to them and ask for help, too.

Be suspicious of cold calls claiming to be from your health plan, your healthcare provider’s office or pharmacy. Scammers will often do this, tell you there is a problem with your coverage, and ask you to confirm your health insurance information. Verify any outreach is real before giving your insurance coverage, payment information or other details. 

Do not accept offers to have urinary catheters, continuous glucose monitors, foot baths or other medical supplies sent to you without talking to your healthcare provider. If these items show up at your home and you didn’t order them, don’t use them. Be very wary if you've never discussed needing these items with your provider or pharmacist. You can call them or your health plan to ask if you are really supposed to have these. You should also report getting any COVID-19 tests you didn’t order. 

Always check your health plan Explanation of Benefits and any billing details you get from your healthcare provider’s office or pharmacy. If you see you’ve been billed for medical supplies, tests or any other healthcare service you didn’t have, didn’t order or never discussed with your provider or pharmacist, report it immediately. 

How To Report Fraud and Scams: 

Blue Cross members who think they have been a victim of fraud or had an attempted scam can make reports to the insurer’s Fraud Hotline at 1-800-392-9249.  

You also report it at Tips.FBI.Gov or IC3.Gov or 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324). 

Connect with Blue Cross on social media @BCBSLA to see ongoing messages about fraud awareness, and see short videos with more prevention tips on the Blue Cross YouTube channel